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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Senate approves health care reform bill.............yea sure

What they passed was a slight improvement, but unfortunately not what should have been passed. I wouldn't say complete crap, as it does protect people slightly better, but it does not protect people's right to health care completely the way it should have, and therefore it is more of a "sellout". Lieberman screwed it up for everyone. They had this one chance to start on the path to universal health care and blew it. Capitalism has no business controlling health care, as it does not protect peoples rights. All countries need socialized medicine..universal health care that protects peoples rights. I laugh when I hear some people say we have a 'right' to own a gun, but no one should have a 'right' to health care.

They won't get another chance to have universal health care for a long time. To have the president, senate and house all dem. majority, and it came down to 1 or 2 people in the senate that screwed it up...very unfortunate. The majority of people wanted it, but they will not get it now possibly in their lifetime. Republicans will never bring this or any kind of change that makes the US a better country in the world, ...they are kinda like Scrooge..pure capitalist mentality, equally as dangerous as a pure socialists or pure communists mentality. They can't seem to get the right balance between socialism and capitalism that is right for the country. They'd have the fire department and police all under capitalism, if they had their way, whereby everyone would need insurance or have to pay out of pocket to stop their houses from being burglarized or burned to the ground.

 Now dont get me wrong, Democrats are no better in my eyes. If Republicans come up with a good idea the Democrats are all into stuffing it in a hole, putting it on a back burner somewhere or creating a  "Think tank" (that will cost millions)  just to either stop it outright or spin it into there plan.....same thing Republicans seem to do.

sorry started to rant again...back to health care.  Why cant we just create a Universal healthcare system in the U.S. ?  It seems to work quite well in many other Countrys, yes  there are problems with it in certain area's.  But dear God nothing like we have now. We pay more for medication than any other Country ( example Lipitor (40 mg/90 tablets) costs $361.99 U.S. price.  Canada  215.46  India $120.94 ) brand-name medications can be 25% to 50% less expensive in some foreign countries. Our own Lawmakers help create this kind of  Problem "Senators who weakened drug bill got millions from industry"   Universal health care is implemented in all industrialized countries, with the exception of the United States  The I.O.M. (Institute of  Medicine) put out a report "Insuring Americas Health Principles and Recommendations" Granted this  report is 6 years old,  nothing has changed in the time frame and that alone should tell you something.

Tomorrow or the Next day I will get on the reasons why in the system we are in that if we do ever get Universal Health care it still wont work the way it should...

My Point has been pondered and my  Bitchen is done for the day.

I'm out

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