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Monday, January 18, 2010

How About dem Vikings

Well I watched a awesome game Yesterday. My Vikings kicked ass on Dallas ( which was truly great since I think Dallas blows anyway ).  When this year first started I thought " Damn Brett ?...boy we might be in trouble".  But I just keep getting more and more respect for that man. I always thought he was a great ballplayer and you could tell he loved the game and it still hasnt changed for him. He reminds me of a kid at a candy store when he's on target with those rockets. Even when he isnt on, he doesnt make excuses or complain. He truly loves my Favorite sport.  Grats to you Vikings

1 comment:

  1. For some reason I am now thinking about giant guys in horned hats running wild through Dallas with guys in cowboy hats with lasso's trying in vain to stop them from eating all the longhorns. I was watching the Jet's against San Diego myself, love East Coast Boys


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